Seven Wylie Destination Imagination teams qualified for state in nine different challenges during a virtual Regional Competition with awards announced Sunday at the Wylie Performing Arts Center. The Metallic Chickens, a team of Wylie freshman, won first place in two different challenges. They competed in both the Engineering and the Service Learning challenges and not […]
Veteran Misty Cantrell Shares Her Story
Misty Cantrell, Army Counselor, Wylie West Junior High Misty Cantrell’s job counseling junior high students might seem a bit terrifying to the average person. But Cantrell remembers a time when she was driving a military vehicle across the deserts of Iraq knowing that an ambush or land mine could be waiting around every corner. After […]
Veterans Day 2020
Wylie students spent the morning celebrating our Veterans COVID style with a drive-thru breakfast. They were greeted by students waving flags, cheerleaders leading cheers and the band playing. Thank you to the men and women that serve our country! Wylie West Jr. High would like to thank the following for their generosity. Today wouldn’t be […]
Colonial Day 2020
Wylie West Jr. High Colonial Day
8th grade East vs West football game 2020
8th grade East vs West football