Seven Wylie Destination Imagination teams qualified for state in nine different challenges during a virtual Regional Competition with awards announced Sunday at the Wylie Performing Arts Center. The Metallic Chickens, a team of Wylie freshman, won first place in two different challenges. They competed in both the Engineering and the Service Learning challenges and not […]
FIVE Wylie DI teams are advancing to STATE!
Congratulations to the following DI teams advancing to State April 3rd & 4th at the University of Texas at Arlington Screaming Moss Cows, Fine Arts Laser Pigeons, Scientific Challenge First Encounter Matallic Chickent, Advanced in two challenges Improv and Scientific Challenges MayHam, Improv Challenge Random Alliance, Scientific Challenge
Did you miss seeing The Christmas Story Musical?
The Christmas Story Musical 2019
Wylie East Jr. High
The Wylie High School Show Choir brought Holiday Cheer to the 5th grade students at East Jr. High
East & West Spelling Bee 2019
Wylie’s East and West Jr. High Schools participated in a local spelling bee last week. Students from 5th- 8th grade had a contest in their English class, the classroom winner moved on to the campus-wide spelling Bee. The 1st place winners from each campus will represent their Jr. High in February 2020 at Hardin Simmons […]