Jackie Powell, communications director for Wylie ISD said the district has experienced tremendous growth since its inception in 1902. “Today, more than 120 years later, Wylie ISD has an enrollment of 5,401 and is considered a ‘Fast Growth School District’ by the Fast Growth School Coalition in Texas.”
Powell said the mission of the coalition is to provide a collective voice that educates and advocates investment in the state’s fastest growing school districts. This means delivering high quality education and making good use of tax dollars.
According to Powell, the following criteria must be met to be considered a Fast Growth School District:
• Enrollment of at least 2,500 students during the previous school year; and
• Enrollment growth over the last five years of at least 10%; or
• A net increase of 3,500 or more students. Powell said Wylie ISD meets the criteria set forth by the Fast Growth School Coalition
“As of the 2022-2023 school year, our district had a total enrollment of 5,401 students. Additionally, over the last five years, the district has grown by 22 percent.”
By Kristen Johnson