8th grade East vs West football
7th grade East vs West football games
7th grade East vs West football
Wylie Art Students Remembering September 11, 2001
The Wylie High School Art students took the week of 9/11 to work on projects to honor our local first responders. The students spend time looking at images from 9/11 and hearing facts about the event. They decorated and created an american flag with images that represent our country and the first responders. The students […]
Wylie 2023 Tennis Schedule
2023 Wylie Tennis Schedule
Bulldogs in Business-Kyleigh Guerrero
Kyleigh’s Kreations Kyleigh Guerrero like most students got bored during COVID and looked for things to stay busy. Kyleigh loves to bake, she specializes in chocolate chip and sugar cookies! Email her today and place your order! They are packaged to perfection if you are giving them to a friend! Send orders to: Kyleighlanae06@gmail.com Chocolate […]