***Scroll to the end of the story to take an art walk! Blooming Easels Growing in leaps and bounds, the Wylie Art Program has been growing steadily with a noted boost in recent years. Art teacher Alexis Hughes, who has taught art in varying capacities at Wylie for 21 years, has seen the program […]
A Monster Collaboration
Two worlds colorfully collided when elementary and high school students in Wylie ISD came together this spring to create monster art. The unlikely art project not only brought to life the cutest monsters but also an opportunity that encourages a heart for art and others. First grade students in Mrs. Garcia’s class at Wylie East […]
Art Students Draw Bids to State
The Wylie High School Art Department had nine students qualify for the State Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE), which will be live this year after being virtual last year. VASE is the equivalent of the UIL for art students. Students qualified by winning top honors at the regional event at the end of February. The […]
Making it to State
Wylie students were successful in various competitions this spring, with numerous students advancing to state in Academic, Debate and Art competitions. The Academic Team won its district championship, won the regional championship and sent 12 students to state competition. Ayden Gertiser finished 2nd in the state in Math, 4th in Number Sense and 5th in […]
Art Students Advance In VASE
Wylie art students Tennley Wilson and Chloe Marquez advanced to state in the annual VASE competition this spring, and they are hoping the experience will help them in their future careers. Both are hoping to be art teachers one day. “I really want to be a teacher,” Tennley said. “My mom said it’s my calling. […]