Coach Sabrina Bingham said the Key City Black Volleyball 12U Team made history because of their drive to be the best they could be. On June 23-26, the team competed at the USA Volleyball Junior Women’s National Championships in Indianapolis, Indiana. Out of 64 teams from around the nation, the team placed 29th. Most of the players attend either Wylie East or Wylie West Junior Highs.
This was the first time ever for a team from Abilene to play at this level, said Bingham. She attributes their success to this group of girls wanting to be their best.
“Everyone of them had the drive to see how far they could go,” said Bingham. “They were not afraid to buckle down to see how good they could be.”
Bingham said the team had basically played about a year together with each player having about 3 years of experience. Some of the girls had played together a little, but not all of them. She said the girls worked on small goals to get better each week and over time it came together as well each of them helping each other work to be their best.
Bingham said in addition to the girls being dedicated the families also really made a commitment of time and finances to support the team’s goal early on.
By Kristen Johnson