“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” — William Arthur Ward In 2016, Kristian Spencer, a seventh grade science teacher at Wylie Junior High, reflected on this quote when she was pondering how to cultivate a “spirit of thankfulness” for her campus. From this […]
Campus Connections December 22: Wylie East Junior High
AOK SUMMARY The goal of the WEJH Acts of Kindness Club (A-OK) is to recognize students for their acts of kindness towards other Bulldogs that go beyond our expected behaviors and to foster a culture of KINDNESS. For example, we would expect a student to clean up after themselves in the cafeteria…not an act of […]
Peanut Butter Plus Jelly Makes Dynamic Duo
Wylie has its very own Dynamic Duo in Wylie East Junior High’s Lisa Albert and Debra McCright, although Albert describes them more as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich than Batman and Robin. “She’s my peanut butter, and I’m her jelly,” Albert said. The two women have been working together in the same office going […]
Welcome Teachers!
The Wylie Bulldogs Education Foundation welcomed 54 new teachers to Wylie during its annual New Teacher Luncheon sponsored by Hendrick Health Systems. The foundation presented the teachers with $100 gift cards to Mardel. Also at the luncheon, Wylie art teacher Alexis Hughes was honored with the foundation’s annual “Spirit of the Bulldog” award. The award […]
Five Wylie Destination Imagination Teams Qualified for the DI Global Finals
Five Wylie Destination Imagination teams qualified for the DI Global Finals in six different challenges based on their performances at the State Competition. Science Alliance, a team of students from Wylie West and Wylie East junior highs, tied for 1st place in the state. Students on that team are Sarah Varghese, Hannah Varghese, James McCall, […]