One of the favorite traditions at Wylie’s Meet the Bulldogs is seeing the Pup Squad cheerleaders. More than 200 girls, ages 5-10, performed at this year’s event after having learned the material only two days earlier during Pup Squad camp. For the girls, Pup Squad is fun. It’s about learning to be a cheerleader. High […]
Big Country FCA All-Star Selections 2021
Congratulations to the Wylie Big Country FCA All-Star Athletes Coaches: Coach (Josh) Gillespie-Football Coach (Megan) Rausch-Volleyball Football: Brice Cantrell Jahzair George Reece Gooding Phillip Taylor Volleyball: Brianna Mock Avery Wimberly Boys Basketball: Luke Powell Colby Tanner Girls Basketball: Makinlee Bacon Emma Melton Morgan Travis Baseball: Dash Albus Cooper Cothran Jaxon Hansen Walker Piland Balin Valentine […]
FCA Big Country All-Star 2020 Wylie Athletes
Congratulations to the Wylie 2020 FCA All-Stars! Football (Red Team) June 13th 2020 in Abilene Cason Hanna Jackson Smith Hudson White Volleyball (South) June 13th 2020 in Abilene Madison Burden Keetyn Davis Pierson Sanders Women’s Basketball (South) June 13th 2020 in Brownwood Karis Christian Bailey Roberts Grace Steadman Men’s Basketball (South) June 13th 2020 in […]
Wylie Jr. High East & West have their 1st Pep Rally of the year!
Meet the Bulldogs 2019
Thank you to everyone that came by the Wylie Growl photo booth Tuesday night!